Biography Mária van Iersel
For Mária, oil painting, aquarelle painting and pencil drawing were for a long time hobbies which were growing towards perfection. The art of ceramic styling towards beautiful sculptures with all it’s techniques, were for some years here secondary obsession.
Further depth in Arts-History followed in her later studies as well as the designing and shaping of bronze sculptures.
Thru motive power and the many years of study at the Academy of Arts in Arendonk, she developed a tremendous feeling for colours and techniques. Her paintings can be qualified as very divers. In her present art you will very often find the seasonal colours. She is very much inspired by the four seasons, thru which sometimes fantastic moving and colourful sceneries are developing.
In such artwork, Mária brings excitement, colours and linear perspectives, that will timeless be fascinating to everyone.
The Impressionistic and Abstract painting art, finally became her specialization and took her after 8 years of study to the level of professional “Visual Artist”.
A few years back, Mária started to pick-up sculpturing again but this time not in ceramic but in bronze. A Workshop in the bronze-techniques, she followed in France. For quit some time now, Mária works together with a famous Bronze-Sculptor in
the Netherlands who has all the infrastructure for these difficult processes. This way she became extremely experienced in the, ‘so very much labor intensive proces of’ bronze sculpturing and she enjoys daily from this new challange.